
Nantong Acetic Acid Chemical Co., Ltd.
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Sales Manager:Gord Chu
ADD: No.968 Jiangshan Road Nantong
Economic and Technological
Development Zone, Jiangsu, China
Product name: Crotonaldehyde
CAS No.: 123-73-9
EINECS NO: 204-647-1
Formula: C4H6O
Structure Formula:
M.W.: 70.09

Colorless, transparent and flammable liquids with asphyxiant irritative odor. It changes into light yellow liquid in the light or air, whose steam is strong lacrimator. Easy soluble in water, with ethanol, ether, benzene, toluene, kerosene and petrol in any mix ratio of each other.

Main Uses:

Used for producting n-butyraldehyde, n-butanol, rubber vulcanization accelerator, alcohol denaturant, and tanning agents, etc..

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