
Nantong Acetic Acid Chemical Co., Ltd.
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Sales Manager:Gord Chu
ADD: No.968 Jiangshan Road Nantong
Economic and Technological
Development Zone, Jiangsu, China
Naphthol AS-G
Product name: Naphthol AS-G
CAS No.: 91-96-3
EINECS NO: 202-111-1
Formula: C22H24N2O
Structure Formula:
M.W.: 380.42

Slightly beige white powder, soluble in ethanol and benzene, insoluble in water, soluble in sulfuric acid and caustic soda solution and appeared colorless. Melting point: 204- 205 ℃.

Main Uses:

It is main used for dyeing and printing of cotton fabric and used as a fast fight background pigment and organic pigment intermediates.

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